
Exploring the Benefits of High-Bandwidth, Low-Loss Taps and Passives

White Papers & eBooks

Cover of Exploring the BenefitsNearly all MSOs are busy adopting or evaluating multiple technologies and architectures designed to provide both the agility and capacity to keep up with customer demand and stave off increased competition. In pursuit of futureproofing their networks, MSOs must be careful not to overlook the disposition of their outside plants.

Download this document to discover how MSOs can reap immediate CAPEX and OPEX savings, while prepping the last mile of their networks to seamlessly support future spectrum extension, by updating existing taps and passives with forward-looking solutions that set new benchmarks for performance and insertion loss.

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Key Findings

  • Why existing taps and passives are inherently incapable of supporting spectrum beyond the 1.5 to 1.7GHz range due to design shortcomings
  • How MSOs can reduce insertion loss in the passive portion of their networks by installing taps, splitters and power inserters that have optimized insertion-loss performance
  • How the insertion of next-generation, 2GHz taps can deliver immediate CAPEX and OPEX saving while ensuring MSOs will not need to replace hardline passives in their outside plant for the next couple of decades
  • About the multiple ways that optimizing outside plants can impact and complement the technology evolution of today’s networks