
The 2050 Project: Part II Building the HFC Network of the Future – Starting Today

White Papers & eBooks

Cover of 2050 Project Part II  White PaperATX’s 2050 Project is designed to assist MSOs in navigating the next phase of the evolution of their outside plants in the most cost-effective manner possible, and without deviating from their inevitable migration to an all-fiber infrastructure. Part I of this series provides a detailed exploration of the 2050 Project, as well as an analysis of the many factors contributing to cable operators’ renewed interest in extending the longevity of their HFC networks through incremental frequency increases, beginning at 1.8GHz.

Moving from the conceptual to the practical, Part II focuses on the DOCSIS® 4.0 specification’s immediate impact on the bandwidth-carrying capacity of the millions of miles of installed coax plant. The document also provides insight into the products, roadmaps and best practices that will assist MSOs in kicking off their long-term HFC evolution strategies.

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Key Findings

  • About the potential competitive risks to MSOs of failing to keep up with the bandwidth demands of subscribers attached to their HFC networks
  • Which critical outside plant elements will need to be updated or replaced to support the DOCSIS 4.0 specification and higher frequencies
  • Why CableLabs designed DOCSIS 4.0 to support both Full Duplex DOCSIS (FDX) and Frequency Division Duplex (FDD), and the implications for MSOs
  • How MSOs upgrading their networks to 1.8GHz could realize bandwidth benefits similar to those associated with fiber deep architectures, but at lower costs