
The 2050 Project: Part I — An Era of Outside Plant Evolution

White Papers & eBooks

Cover of 2050 Project white paperThe Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial (HFC) network is a cable industry success story nearly 30 years in the making. It has provided the foundation for a continuous flow of innovation and bandwidth expansion that has helped make cable operators the world’s preeminent providers of broadband services. But what about the next 30 years? The 2050 Project is a strategic vision and game plan designed to provide MSOs with a long-term roadmap for the continued evolution of their outside plants. It provides a formula for extending the longevity of their existing HFC networks in the most economical manner possible and without the slightest detour on their inevitable path toward an all-fiber future.

The 2050 Project: Part I uncovers the factors contributing to a resurgence of interest in extending the life and expanding the capacity of today’s HFC networks. It also details the benefits of stretching out MSOs’ inevitable — and enormously expensive — transition to fiber over the next couple of decades.

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Key Findings

  • How to meet future subscriber demands through migration to a distributed access architecture and incremental spectrum expansions of existing outside plants
  • Why the adoption of agile and flexible outside plant solutions can enable MSOs to expand technology lifecycles from 8-10 years to 25 years or longer
  • About recently completed Extended Spectrum DOCSIS® testing in real-world networks indicating that much of the installed coax cable plant is capable of supporting incremental spectrum increases
  • How to reduce CAPEX and OPEX through the adoption of outside plant actives and passives that can be upgraded in place to support bandwidth increases to 25Gbps and higher
  • Why it’s imperative for MSOs to ensure that all future technology investments — beginning today — are capable of supporting the long-term evolution of their HFC networks