Tag: 10G

Upgrading Amps? Don’t Get Distracted by the Number in Front of ‘GHz’

man with numbers swirling around his head
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Normally, we love numbers. The cable industry lexicon wouldn’t be the same without them. It’s how we set milestones (10G) and measure progress (DOCSIS 4.0). When it comes to shopping for your next HFC amplifier or node, though, it might be a good idea to consider concentrating on the [...]



Introducing GigaXtend Orchestrator: The Abracadabra App

Man holding a magic lamp and GigaXtend Orchestrator in the background
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | If the vice president of engineering at a major MSO — make that any MSO, really — stumbled across a dusty lantern of ancient origins, does anyone doubt what his or her first wish would be? If your immediate response isn’t a cavalry of trained technicians, you’re probably not [...]



Will 10G be Enough for Everybody?

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | A hallmark of any technology industry, as well as the advanced-degree-laden engineers and other technologists who invigorate that industry with innovation, is a healthy obsession over what comes next. At any given time, a more-than-trivial percentage of research and development is being devoted to answering questions that are a [...]



MSOs must Execute Next-Phase of HFC Evolution with Timing and Precision to Maintain Broadband Leadership

Group of executives discussing business plan
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Whether the final destination is DOCSIS® 4.0 or optimizing DOCSIS 3.1 for all its worth, MSOs need to continue to evolve their networks to keep pace with subscriber demand and fend off competitors, including FTTH providers offering multigigabit symmetrical services. But MSOs can’t afford to focus on speed and [...]



Take the Finding Your Next-Gen Node Platform Quiz

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | If a move to DOCSIS 4.0 is potentially in your future — whether that’s tomorrow or in five years — there’s no better time than now to start mapping out a strategy for migrating the nodes in your HFC network to support 1.8GHz, DAA and third-party access technologies. The [...]



Delivering Affordable Broadband Everywhere

ATX CEO Dan Whalen maps out the company’s shared mission with MSOs to bring robust, sustainable and affordable broadband to the masses, narrowing the Digital Divide along the way. A 2024 Cable Next-Gen Technologies and Strategies keynoter, Whalen details how ATX is assisting its customers in elevating the end-user experience while contributing to the greening [...]



ATX’s 2024 Technology Predictions: Doubling Down on 2023

looking glass studying technology
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | ‘Tis the season for prognostication. About this time every year, technology companies and pundits offer up their best estimates of how the trends and business dynamics shaping the industry will play out in the coming year. Almost always missing from this annual ritual is accountability. Like meteorologists who miss [...]



Cable-Tec Expo 2023 Sends Powerful Message to Fiber Community

megaphone with coax and fiber outlines
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | In case you haven’t noticed, telecommunication companies and other FTTH service providers have taken to talking about MSOs, in their advertising and at industry events, as if they are obsolete, dismissing cable plants as legacy or dated. It’s difficult to decipher if this eulogizing of HFC is simply a [...]



Setting the Record Straight: MSOs Love Fiber

By Joe McGarvey, Senior Director, Marketing | Is there anything more frustrating than someone picking a fight with you on a subject in which you’re in 100-percent agreement? Thousands of words have been devoted in just the first few weeks of this year alone to the fallacy that cable operators are anti-fiber. One recent online [...]



Will the HFC Network ever Get to 3GHz?

By Joe McGarvey, Senior Director, Marketing | Cable companies knew what they were doing more than a half century ago when they selected coaxial cable as their preferred medium. Estimates vary, but most cable technology experts calculate that modern coax cable is capable of supporting frequencies topping off between 6–10GHz, meaning that MSOs could theoretically [...]

