Tag: hybrid supercapacitors

ATX’s 2024 Technology Predictions: Doubling Down on 2023

looking glass studying technology
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | ‘Tis the season for prognostication. About this time every year, technology companies and pundits offer up their best estimates of how the trends and business dynamics shaping the industry will play out in the coming year. Almost always missing from this annual ritual is accountability. Like meteorologists who miss [...]



How Hybrid Supercapacitor Backup Energy Storage can be a Future Revenue Source

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Question: What do Play-Doh®, the Slinky®, Viagra® and, quite possibly, hybrid supercapacitor energy storage modules have in common? Answer: All are products that eventually became better known for uses other than their original purpose. Slinky and Play-Doh, two of the most commercially successful toys ever invented, have unremarkable origin [...]

