GigaXtend SGP 1.2GHz Passives

Today’s MSOs are challenged to deliver new and improved services to subscribers, as cost-effectively as possible. The ATX GigaXtend® SGP 1.2GHz Passives product line provides full support of the DOCSIS® 3.1 standard and OFDM sub carrier requirements. This allows MSOs to increase frequency of devices to the 1.218GHz spectrum across the existing network. Added capacity plus reliable performance means better service for customers.

The ATX GigaXtend SGP 1.2GHz SGP Passive family of products is designed for optimal reliability in broadband networks. The 6 kV surge specification, industry-leading hum modulation and the power soak ratings of the directional couplers, splitters, and power inserters, coupled with the outstanding insertion-loss specifications, help ensure the reliable performance required in the most demanding applications.


  • 6 kV surge protection
  • 15A current carrying capability of splitters and directional couplers and 20A input rating of power inserters allow network powering of cable telephony services
  • Unique, patented AC bypass coil provides superior hum modulation performance, which is important in advanced, high current networks
  • Versatile housing design permits aerial or pedestal mounting
  • Power passing/blocking jumpers for increased architectural flexibility
  • Interchangeability of faceplates for all directional couplers and splitters simplifies architectural changes and reduces costs
  • AL360T housing with powder coating for superior environmental protection
  • Compliant to 25A and 2-hour, 149°F (65°C) power soak rated

Solution: Distributed Access Architecture (DAA)

ATX offers MSOs an extensive portfolio of next-generation inside and outside plant equipment that includes Video Engines, Digital Optical Transport, HFC Amplifiers and Hardline Passives, and conforms to all MSO architectures and specifications, including DAA, DOCSIS® 3.1, DOCSIS 4.0 and Extended Spectrum.