GigaXtend SGP 750MHz, 870MHz and 1.2GHz Line Equalizer/Reverse Conditioners

The ATX GigaXtend® SGP product line allows MSOs to fully and efficiently utilize their broadband networks to provide all DOCSIS® services up to version 3.1. GigaXtend SGP 750MHz, 870MHz and 1.2GHz Line Equalizer/Reverse Conditioners improve network performance on both the forward and reverse paths in a coaxial transmission system. These capabilities allow MSOs to build an entire HFC ecosystem that would offer higher data rate tiers to subscribers, supporting new and improved services along with maximizing revenue per subscriber.


  • Plug-in attenuator location for reverse-path optimization (ATX does not produce the 0.45″ tall JXP pads required for this)
  • Industry-leading insertion loss specifications reduce amplifier requirements
  • Connection beam noninterruptible AC and RF bypass that optimizes network availability during maintenance periods
  • Equalizer in and out bypass, which allows reverse conditioning deployment network locations where forward equalization is not desired
  • Circuit contained in faceplate, compatible with existing Cisco line equalizer products
  • Rugged, polymer-coated housing that provides reliable performance in the most challenging environments

Solution: Distributed Access Architecture (DAA)

ATX offers MSOs an extensive portfolio of next-generation inside and outside plant equipment that includes Video Engines, Digital Optical Transport, HFC Amplifiers and Hardline Passives, and conforms to all MSO architectures and specifications, including DAA, DOCSIS® 3.1, DOCSIS 4.0 and Extended Spectrum.