
cog iconDeployment-related mistakes often result in costly and widespread service outages. Finding qualified skilled workers to implement network enhancements is critical to ensuring a smooth operational transition and reliable performance. ATX’s Professional Services team takes your business personally. Our specialized deployment professionals are fully trained in network architectures, know the trade and understand how to address performance issues. Led by industry veterans with extensive experience, ATX Professional Services is your go-to choice for upgrades and new builds at any scale.


  • Minimize meantime to deployment
  • Improve customer reliability
  • Vendor and product-agnostic
  • Flexible turnkey, bundle or à la carte support

Features & Capabilities

  • Supports any scale project and all major equipment brands
  • Industry expertise in inside plant (ISP), outside plant (OSP) and wireless
  • Reliable end-to-end capabilities in HFC, FTTX, copper, software and integration
  • Work shifts aligned with NOCs and maintenance windows


Inside Plant

  • Equipment rack, stack and cabling
  • Rack and roll — ship and drop fully equipped racks onsite
  • New and existing facilities
  • Headends, Central Offices and Datacenters

Outside Plant

  • Fiber and coax cable splicing
  • Node split and cascade upgrades
  • Equipment upgrades, bench or field
  • Plant optimization
  • Reclaim, Recycle and Redeploy (3R Program)


  • Access/radio points, switches and controller installation
  • Micro, macro, mmWave and WiFi device installation
  • Fixed wireless access (FWA) for public or private use
  • MDUs, hospitality, municipality, industrial and public venues
  • Support backhaul and coverage needs

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