
What the Latest Edition of the 2050 Project Survey Reveals About Cable’s Future

Time and Technology
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Technology takes time. Even though it’s been six years since CableLabs® introduced the DOCSIS 4.0 standards, real-world adoption is just beginning. But that doesn’t mean DOCSIS® 4.0 hasn’t already impacted the cable industry in a big way. Back in 2019, most cable operators followed the same technology playbook. Then [...]



Why Depth of Discharge is Critical in Selecting an Energy Storage Solution

Super Hero in front of a city covered in graphene
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Various factors impact the cost efficiency, longevity and overall performance of an energy storage solution. One of the most crucial — but often overlooked — energy storage metric is Depth of Discharge (DoD). Understanding DoD, which is essentially a measurement of the percentage of usable energy in a battery [...]



Unlocking Energy Cost Savings and Improving Sustainability with Hybrid Supercapacitors

Lightbulb powered by ATX logo, calculator, savings, etc.
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | More than ever, communications service providers are looking for ways to cut electricity costs and operate more sustainably. The good news? Hybrid supercapacitor technology provides a cost-effective path to both goals. Hybrid supercapacitors, including ATX’s Areca™ family of next-generation energy storage modules, are enabling MSOs, wireless operators and other [...]



How the Cable Industry has Transformed in the DOCSIS 4.0 Era

Man standing on a weathervane pointing direction
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Six years ago this month, CableLabs® announced the release of DOCSIS 4.0, the next generation of the venerable data-over-cable specification that has played an instrumental role in making MSOs dominant broadband providers in North America, as well as other parts of the world. Though commercial deployments based on the [...]



Inside ATX’s Michigan Manufacturing Facility: Where Automation Meets Human Expertise

Illustration of William Shakespeare and automation icons
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Regardless of how precise and productive automation and artificial intelligence grow, neither will completely replace its human model or replicate the nuance and innate ingenuity that produce abstract works of art or masterpieces of literature — or even next-generation outside plant technology. While comparing HFC amplifiers to Hamlet is [...]



Welcome to the Era of the Intelligent HFC Network

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | The secret of great comedy, the saying goes, is timing. But that’s true of most things, including technology. It’s not uncommon for innovative products or solutions to miss making an impact because they were ahead of their time — arriving in advance of market demand or before adjacent or [...]



Digging into the Top 5 Takeaways from SCTE TechExpo

Top 5 Show Takeaways
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | September’s SCTE TechExpo24 will go down as one of the most memorable in the history of the annual industry gathering. MSOs of all sizes were impacted by news that Broadcom, Comcast, Charter and other signers of a Joint Development Agreement would make silicon that unifies the FDD and FDX [...]



Not Dead Yet! MSOs Closing in on the Broadband Holy Grail

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | One thing that nearly all technical types have in common is an appreciation for the works of Monty Python, the British comedy troupe that engineers and others with a knack for making things work are fond of quoting. It’s difficult not to slip into Pythonese in the run up [...]



Upgrading Amps? Don’t Get Distracted by the Number in Front of ‘GHz’

man with numbers swirling around his head
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Normally, we love numbers. The cable industry lexicon wouldn’t be the same without them. It’s how we set milestones (10G) and measure progress (DOCSIS 4.0). When it comes to shopping for your next HFC amplifier or node, though, it might be a good idea to consider concentrating on the [...]



Introducing GigaXtend Orchestrator: The Abracadabra App

Man holding a magic lamp and GigaXtend Orchestrator in the background
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | If the vice president of engineering at a major MSO — make that any MSO, really — stumbled across a dusty lantern of ancient origins, does anyone doubt what his or her first wish would be? If your immediate response isn’t a cavalry of trained technicians, you’re probably not [...]

