
Seven Reasons Why all Future Outside Plant Purchases Should be 1.8GHz-Capable

White Papers & eBooks

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Nodes, amplifiers, taps and passives designed to support 1.8GHz have benefited significantly from recent innovations in design and performance. The new class of outside plant equipment, in fact, has so far surpassed the capabilities of the previous generation that it now makes both economic and competitive sense to deploy 1.8GHz-capable equipment in all situations — even where MSOs have no plans to upgrade their networks beyond 1.2GHz.

Evidence to support that proposition is presented in a new white paper from ATX, Seven Reasons Why all Future Outside Plant Purchases Should be 1.8GHz-Capable. Download the recently published document to discover the top reasons, including gaining cost efficiency, reducing technician time and improving network reliability, MSOs will benefit by going the 1.8GHz-capable route for all future outside plant purchases.

Read the white paper to:

  • Understand why adopting 1.8GHz-capable actives and passives that are also compatible with DOCSIS 3.1 architectures can reduce both CapEx and OpEx.
  • Learn how purchasing 1.8GHz-capable outside plant equipment can completely eliminate the risk of regrettable spend.
  • Discover how the intelligence and software-based configuration capabilities of 1.8GHz actives will reduce technician time and increase the reliability of your network.

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