
Take Your Commercial Video Business to the Next Level

White Papers & eBooks

Cover of Commercial Video BusineessPayTV operators for decades have been faithfully serving commercial markets, including Multi-Dwelling Units (MDUs,) hotels, sports venues and other hospitality businesses, with little to show for it in the way of profit. Getting in the way of real revenue generation has been inefficient and inflexible technology solutions for the bulk delivery of video services. But conditions are changing. Download this document to discover how next-generation technology that delivers a superior experience at a fraction of the cost of legacy gear can put the profit back in your commercial accounts.

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Key Findings

  • How recent technology advances that significantly reduce equipment footprint and operational overhead can put the profit back in your MDU and hospitality accounts
  • Why the hospitality industry is turning to new-and-improved media service to increase in-room dining revenue by enticing travelers to remain in their rooms — to watch a football match or other programming — for a larger percentage of their stays
  • To identify and to overcome the technology challenges that have historically handicapped the revenue-generating potential of commercial markets
  • About the capabilities that are essential to building an optimal bulk media delivery solution that will enable cable and satellite operators to kick start or revitalize the revenue-generation engines of their commercial businesses
  • Why MDU and hospitality businesses now see an opportunity to influence the success of their operations by delivering a compelling television and communications experience that rivals what guests or tenants expect from a residential subscription