
Putting Idle Stored Energy to Work

White Papers

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Peak Shaving and Other Energy Arbitrage Opportunities using Hybrid Supercapacitors

Limitations of traditional energy storage mediums, such as lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, require most communications service providers and other businesses to use those storage mediums exclusively for standby power operations. By offering a significantly greater number of discharge/charge cycles, hybrid supercapacitor energy storage systems, including ATX’s Areca™ platform, create opportunities for businesses to reduce energy costs by potentially millions of dollars per year by using idle stored energy for peak shaving and other energy arbitrage applications.

A new ATX white paper, Putting Idle Stored Energy to Work, explores how businesses can revolutionize energy management and reduce overall energy costs, all without compromising the reliability of their operations. The white paper also includes real-world case studies that validate the effectiveness of peak shaving in cutting energy costs.

Download the white paper to learn:

  • How businesses can utilize stored energy to power operations during peak rate periods to reduce electricity costs.
  • Why selling excess, idle energy stored in hybrid supercapacitors back to utilities during high-demand periods can generate revenue.
  • Why hybrid supercapacitors’ ability to provide 20,000+ lifecycles with unmatched safety and efficiency opens new opportunities for energy cost savings.
  • How switching to hybrid supercapacitor-based energy storage can also help businesses reduce reliance on generators that burn fossil fuels.

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