Tag: GigaXtend

Inside ATX’s Michigan Manufacturing Facility: Where Automation Meets Human Expertise

Illustration of William Shakespeare and automation icons
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Regardless of how precise and productive automation and artificial intelligence grow, neither will completely replace its human model or replicate the nuisance and innate ingenuity that produce abstract works of art or masterpieces of literature — or even next-generation outside plant technology. While comparing HFC amplifiers to Hamlet is [...]



Welcome to the Era of the Intelligent HFC Network

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | The secret of great comedy, the saying goes, is timing. But that’s true of most things, including technology. It’s not uncommon for innovative products or solutions to miss making an impact because they were ahead of their time — arriving in advance of market demand or before adjacent or [...]



Digging into the Top 5 Takeaways from SCTE TechExpo

Top 5 Show Takeaways
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | September’s SCTE TechExpo24 will go down as one of the most memorable in the history of the annual industry gathering. MSOs of all sizes were impacted by news that Broadcom, Comcast, Charter and other signers of a Joint Development Agreement would make silicon that unifies the FDD and FDX [...]



Not Dead Yet! MSOs Closing in on the Broadband Holy Grail

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | One thing that nearly all technical types have in common is an appreciation for the works of Monty Python, the British comedy troupe that engineers and others with a knack for making things work are fond of quoting. It’s difficult not to slip into Pythonese in the run up [...]



Product Overview: GigaXtend™ Orchestrator App

Man reviewing specifications on tablet
The GigaXtend™ Orchestrator, a highly intuitive software application, is designed to streamline installation and tuning procedures of ATX GigaXtend 1.8GHz Amplifiers and Nodes. Watch to learn more about the GigaXtend Orchestrator benefits and features: [...]



Introducing GigaXtend Orchestrator: The Abracadabra App

Man holding a magic lamp and GigaXtend Orchestrator in the background
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | If the vice president of engineering at a major MSO — make that any MSO, really — stumbled across a dusty lantern of ancient origins, does anyone doubt what his or her first wish would be? If your immediate response isn’t a cavalry of trained technicians, you’re probably not [...]



Will 10G be Enough for Everybody?

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | A hallmark of any technology industry, as well as the advanced-degree-laden engineers and other technologists who invigorate that industry with innovation, is a healthy obsession over what comes next. At any given time, a more-than-trivial percentage of research and development is being devoted to answering questions that are a [...]



MSOs must Execute Next-Phase of HFC Evolution with Timing and Precision to Maintain Broadband Leadership

Group of executives discussing business plan
By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | Whether the final destination is DOCSIS® 4.0 or optimizing DOCSIS 3.1 for all its worth, MSOs need to continue to evolve their networks to keep pace with subscriber demand and fend off competitors, including FTTH providers offering multigigabit symmetrical services. But MSOs can’t afford to focus on speed and [...]



Take the Finding Your Next-Gen Node Platform Quiz

By Joe McGarvey, Marketing Director | If a move to DOCSIS 4.0 is potentially in your future — whether that’s tomorrow or in five years — there’s no better time than now to start mapping out a strategy for migrating the nodes in your HFC network to support 1.8GHz, DAA and third-party access technologies. The [...]



Delivering Affordable Broadband Everywhere

ATX CEO Dan Whalen maps out the company’s shared mission with MSOs to bring robust, sustainable and affordable broadband to the masses, narrowing the Digital Divide along the way. A 2024 Cable Next-Gen Technologies and Strategies keynoter, Whalen details how ATX is assisting its customers in elevating the end-user experience while contributing to the greening [...]

