HFC Optical Access Products

OCML/DLX (Gen 1) Optical Transport

OCML/DLX Module Firmware 1.3 Release Notes pdf

*Gen 1 OCML/DML Model# CP-DLX40-V1 & CP-DLX40-V2

OCML/DLX (Gen 2) Optical Transport

OCML2/DLX Module Firmware 1.2 Release Notes pdf
OCML2/DLX Module Firmware 1.2 code (download & unzip)

*Gen 2 OCML/DLX Model# CP-DLX40-V1R2 & CP-DLX40-V1R2

Controller Software (OCML/OCML2 – Integrated Module)

Controller Software 3.4 Release Notes pdf
Controller Software 3.4 code (download & unzip)

DLA-HUB Controller 3

DLA-HUB Controller 3 Firmware 1.3 Release Notes pdf
DLA-HUB Controller 3 Firmware 1.3 code (download & unzip)

Archived Firmware

Optical Access Firmware 4.9 zip (download & unzip)
I-HUB Controller 3 Firmware 1.2 zip (download & unzip)
Optical Transport System Software Release Notes pdf
Optical Access Firmware 4.10 zip (download & unzip)
Application Module Firmware Release Notes pdf


To communicate with the MAXNET II platform over SNMP, certain MIBs are required to be loaded in your SNMP. IETF ones are often included in any SNMP program, but can be freely downloaded in many places on the web. The SCTE HMS MIBs can be freely downloaded from the SCTE website. Alternatively, you can download ATX’s compiled packages of standard MIBs here. SCTE HMS MIB Download IETF Standards Download

Custom MIBs for SNMP

ATX-DLA-HUBS-MIB zip (download & unzip)
ATX-HFCACCESS.mib.txt (download & unzip)

*Refer to ANW1541 DLA-HUB-Hardware Interface Manual for more info on custom MIBs.