
The 2050 Project Survey Report: Results & Analysis of HFC Evolution Survey

White Papers & eBooks

Cover of 2050 Project reportATX conducted the 2050 Project Survey to provide insight into what cable operators are currently thinking about the long-term evolution of their outside plants, delivering industry professionals an invaluable view of the network transformation plans of their peers. The survey was designed to uncover cable operators’ most recent attitudes toward the adoption of new technologies, including DOCSIS® 4.0, competitive concerns, the future allocation of available spectrum on coax cable and other issues that could impact the overall longevity of their HFC networks.

In addition to including all survey results, The 2050 Project Survey Report offers detailed analysis of what the findings may indicate about the current direction of the evolution of the HFC network. This report also provides a moment-in-time snapshot of the attitudes and opinions of HFC network operators of all sizes as they chart the course of their transition to an all-fiber future. The report concludes that while the HFC network is marked for eventual extinction, given the near-inexhaustible capacity of fiber, most cable providers will continue to operate and evolve their HFC networks for decades to come.

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Key Findings

  • More than 60% of cable operators with more than 1 million subscribers expect to still be serving customers from their HFC networks 20 years into the future.
  • Nearly 30% of cable operators serving a million or more subscribers expect the lifespans of their HFC networks to exceed 30 years.
  • Nearly a quarter (24%) of all respondents believe that 1.8GHz will be the top frequency of the last amplifier they install into their outside plant, while 32% expect to eventually install amps that are capable of 3GHz or higher.
  • More than 90% of all survey respondents agreed to some degree with the statement that it is desirable that any replacement equipment going into their network now or in the near future be capable of supporting DOCSIS 4.0.
  • More than half (55%) of all survey takers planning to adopt DOCSIS 4.0 are currently unsure if they will deploy the FDX or FDD version of the specifications.