GigaXtend GMC, Cisco GainMaker and GS7000 Node Split Upgrade Kits

As cable operators experience an exponential rise in
the requirements for more reverse-path bandwidth due
to the shift toward work-from-home practices, along
with the popularity of advanced, on-demand services
from an increasing number of subscribers, operators
need an upgrade path to expand upstream capacity for
deployed equipment to overcome this
operational challenge.

ATX offers mid-split (85/108MHz) and high-split
(204/258MHz) upgrade kits for the ATX GigaXtend
and Cisco GainMaker® 1.2GHz amplifiers; mid-split
(85/108MHz) for the Cisco GainMaker 1GHz amplifiers
and mid-split (85/108MHz) for the Cisco GS7000
1GHz node.