GigaXtend GMC 1.2GHz High Gain Balanced Triple (HGBT) System Amplifier
The ATX GigaXtend® GMC 1.2GHz High Gain Balanced Triple (HGBT) System Amplifier is designed to assist cable operators in evolving their HFC networks to meet subscriber demand, while fully leveraging previous investments. The ATX GigaXtend GMC 1.2GHz HGBT System Amplifier provides three high-level forward RF outputs (main and two auxiliary).
ATX GigaXtend GMC 1.2GHz HGBT System Amplifier modules have increased gain to allow drop in for 750MHz, 870MHz, and 1002MHz spacing. Backward compatibility often allows upgrades to higher bandwidth with no respacing or resplicing. The DC power supply is modular and located in an updated housing lid for easy access. All ATX GigaXtend GMC 1.2GHz system amplifier modules are factory configured with reverse amplifier, diplex filters, thermal compensation circuit, forward interstage pads, and equalizer to promote optimal performance. Optional single-pilot Automatic Gain Control (AGC) configurations are also available.
- High-performance GaN gain stage technology
- Plug-in accessories that are common to all GigaXtend Amplifiers (attenuator pads, diplexers and crowbar)
- Amplifier housing that provides access to RF test points without opening the housing
- Spring-loaded seizure assemblies allow coaxial connectors to be installed or removed without removing amplifier RF module
- Power supply mounted in housing lid for efficient thermal dissipation (60- and 90-VAC powering capability) survivability
- 15A current capacity (steady state) and 25A surge survivability
- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) pilot AGC available (optional)
- AGC with thermal backup, which eliminates disruptive RF output variation in the event of pilot loss
- Reverse input pad and RF test point for each reverse input port to allow optimum reverse path design and alignment
- Surge-resistant circuitry that helps ensure gain stage protection without fuses or other failure-causing devices
Solution: Distributed Access Architecture (DAA)
ATX offers MSOs an extensive portfolio of next-generation inside and outside plant equipment that includes Video Engines, Digital Optical Transport, HFC Amplifiers and Hardline Passives, and conforms to all MSO architectures and specifications, including DAA, DOCSIS® 3.1, DOCSIS 4.0 and Extended Spectrum.
The Definitive Guide to Evolving Your HFC Network
Read this step-by-step guide to find the optimal path for upgrading your HFC network in lockstep with subscriber demand and without regrettable spend.
Download White PaperShould DOCSIS 3.1E Impact Your Next HFC Amplifier Purchase?
Learn about tradeoffs to consider when thinking of extending DOCSIS 3.1 vs. futureproofing the HFC network for DOCSIS 4.0.
Read BlogEvolve Your HFC Network
Find out why GigaXtend is the industry’s only portfolio of amps and hardline passives with a roadmap to 3GHz or higher.
Read White PaperATX GainMaker-Compatible Amplifiers
If you’re in the market for GainMaker-compatible HFC amplifiers, there’s only one Real McCoy. Accept no substitutes!
Read Blog2020 Imagination Theater
Watch the replay of the Imagine Zone Presentation to learn more about building the HFC Network of the future today.
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