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2050 Project Survey Report: 2025 Edition

Charting the HFC Evolution in the DOCSIS 4.0 Era Now in its fifth year, the ATX 2050 Project Survey tracks the evolution of the HFC network by asking cable professionals to share their opinions on ongoing and emerging technology and architecture trends. The 2025 Edition of the 2050 Project Survey Report is based on responses [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Results & Analysis – 2025 Edition

April 3, 2025 @ 11 AM EDT Charting the HFC Evolution in the DOCSIS 4.0 Era The most revealing of all the datapoints uncovered by ATX’s fifth edition of its annual HFC evolution survey is that a near-unanimous universe of cable professionals believe that the cable industry has changed significantly since the introduction of DOCSIS [...]


Putting Idle Stored Energy to Work

Peak Shaving and Other Energy Arbitrage Opportunities using Hybrid Supercapacitors Limitations of traditional energy storage mediums, such as lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, require most communications service providers and other businesses to use those storage mediums exclusively for standby power operations. By offering a significantly greater number of discharge/charge cycles, hybrid supercapacitor energy storage systems, including [...]


Transitioning Channel Insertion Services from QAM to IP

Residents of communal environments, including apartment complexes, retirement facilities and other multi-dwelling units (MDUs), rely on local content inserted into television lineups for personalized news and information, as well as security. The ongoing transition of commercial video services to IP will require MSOs to upgrade their installed base of mostly QAM-based channel insertion equipment to [...]


Where Automation Meets Human Expertise

ATX and MARA Technologies’ state-of-the-art 1.8GHz HFC amplifier manufacturing plant in Holly, Michigan, features a unique symmetry of next-gen automation and human RF expertise. [...]


Why Next-Gen Nodes & Amps are the ‘Intelligent’ Option for All HFC Networks

Small and mid-sized MSOs are at a critical crossroads in the evolution of their HFC networks, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading their DOCSIS-based infrastructures against accelerating the transition to PON. Extremely relevant to that decision is the recent availability of next-generation outside plant equipment that brings new levels of intelligence to the HFC [...]


Visium MVP Managed Video Solution

The Visium™ MVP is an end-to-end managed video solution optimized for small and medium businesses (SMBs), such as restaurants, sports bars, fitness centers and doctors’ offices. The MVP Solution combines the capabilities of the Visium MD Mini Media Gateway, the Visium MVP Control App and the Visium Set-Back Box (SBB), offering PayTV providers and systems [...]


Finding Your Next-Gen Node Platform

Not all nodes are created equal. Not all nodes are created equal. Many in your current HFC networks were designed decades ago, originally optimized for spectrum below 1GHz. With MSOs now requiring HFC nodes that can handle spectrum of 1.2GHz or even 1.8GHz, as well as support a transition to Distributed Access Architecture (DAA) and [...]


Product Overview: Areca™ Hybrid Supercapacitor Cabinet Modules 36V

ATX’s Areca 36V Hybrid Supercapacitor Modules fit into standard enclosures and are compatible with existing powering systems, enabling service providers to seamlessly and gradually upgrade their battery-based backup infrastructures. Watch to learn more about the Areca Hybrid Supercapacitor Cabinet Modules 36V benefits and features: [...]


GigaWave Digital Optical Transport: Hubsite Collapse

MSOs established hubsites and set up service areas based largely on the limitations of analog optics, including signal degradation over long distances. The ongoing displacement of analog optics with digital provides MSOs with the opportunity to improve overall operational efficiency by reducing the number of physical hubsites in their networks. ATX’s GigaWave™ Digital Optical Transport [...]


Product Overview: GigaXtend® Orchestrator App

The GigaXtend® Orchestrator, a highly intuitive software application, is designed to streamline installation and tuning procedures of ATX GigaXtend 1.8GHz Amplifiers and Nodes. Watch to learn more about the GigaXtend Orchestrator benefits and features: [...]


Why Hybrid Supercapacitors are a Better Backup Power Solution than Lithium-Ion Batteries

Until a few years ago, telecommunication operators were limited to using fuel-operated power generators or lead-acid batteries to provide backup power to their datacenters, outside plants and mobile cell sites. The good news is that recent breakthroughs in energy storage technology — hybrid supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries — now offer longer-lasting options for backup power [...]


Access. Perfected: Access Networking Brochure

ATX offers a market-leading portfolio of access networking platforms that enable our customers to react quickly to evolving market requirements and changing business models. Augmented by a wide assortment of accessories, our highly-modular platforms empower broadband service providers to extend the value of previous investments while optimizing performance and operational efficiency – from one end [...]


Areca Energy Storage: Backup Power

Areca hybrid supercapacitor technology, the latest breakthrough in backup power, offers space optimization, reliability, longevity, high cycle life, safety and environmental sustainability. Download the solution brief to: Discover how hybrid supercapacitors help regain valuable space, accelerate permitting and eliminate special fire prevention costs typically incurred with battery installations. Learn about the resilience of hybrid supercapacitors, [...]


Seven Reasons Why all Future Outside Plant Purchases Should be 1.8GHz-Capable

Nodes, amplifiers, taps and passives designed to support 1.8GHz have benefited significantly from recent innovations in design and performance. The new class of outside plant equipment, in fact, has so far surpassed the capabilities of the previous generation that it now makes both economic and competitive sense to deploy 1.8GHz-capable equipment in all situations — [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Report: 2024 Edition

Charting the HFC Evolution The fourth and most recent edition of the 2050 Project Survey Report reflects the opinions of nearly 150 cable professionals, the biggest universe of participants in the survey’s history. This year’s report, similar to previous editions, contains more than 30 charts that document how MSO attitudes and deployment plans have changed [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Results & Analysis – 2024 Edition

Charting the HFC Network Evolution Close to half (42%) of the cable professionals participating in the 2024 edition of ATX’s 2050 Project Survey say the recent introduction of technology that extends the downstream capacity of DOCSIS 3.1 architectures has prompted them to reevaluate their DOCSIS 4.0 adoption plans and timetables. That’s just one of more [...]


Optimizing Channel Insertion for an IP World

The transition of video to IP is imposing disruptions to MDUs and other shared-living environments that rely on informational or communications channels inserted into television lineups. That’s because most of the equipment currently providing channel insertion capabilities for commercial accounts is incapable of working with an IP-based video delivery infrastructure. This webcast from ATX, which [...]


Delivering Affordable Broadband Everywhere

ATX CEO Dan Whalen maps out the company’s shared mission with MSOs to bring robust, sustainable and affordable broadband to the masses, narrowing the Digital Divide along the way. A 2024 Cable Next-Gen Technologies and Strategies keynoter, Whalen details how ATX is assisting its customers in elevating the end-user experience while contributing to the greening [...]


Ultimate Guidebook for Finding Your Next-Gen Node Platform

Is your current node platform built for the future? A significant portion of the installed base of HFC nodes was not designed with the future in mind, and MSOs planning to evolve their networks to support the FDD, or Extended Spectrum, version of the DOCSIS 4.0 specifications need to start figuring out how, or even [...]


Areca™ Hybrid Supercapacitors Validated as a Safe Choice for Energy Storage

When it comes to safety and durability, Hybrid Supercapacitors are considered the safest and most durable energy storage solution available. And now there’s proof. [...]


Product Overview: Areca Hybrid Supercapacitor Rackmount Modules 48V

Areca™ Hybrid Supercapacitors concentrate standby power within a smaller footprint than existing storage options, assisting operators in reclaiming valuable real estate in both inside facilities and outdoor sites. Watch this video to learn more about the Areca Hybrid Supercapacitor Rackmount Modules’ benefits and features: [...]


The Definitive Guide to Evolving Your HFC Network

Redefining the Broadband Experience Cable operators now face unprecedented challenges in their decades-long reign as the preeminent supplier of broadband services, placing existential importance on their ability to near-flawlessly evolve their networks without falling behind the competitive curve. With so much on the line, it’s imperative that MSOs exercise precision in the planning and execution [...]


Workforce Replenishment: How MSOs can Overcome Labor Shortage Challenges

An already acute shortage of skilled technicians will only worsen when states start doling out $42.5 billion in Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) funding in the next couple of years. That’s why in 2022 ATX introduced its Field Personnel Replenishment Program (FPRP), a hands-on training initiative with a mission to supply the cable industry [...]


Bringing Manufacturing Back to the U.S.A.

A critical BEAD funding qualification is purchasing equipment that is assembled in the U.S.A. ATX got a head start on that requirement when it opened a manufacturing facility in Holly, Michigan, April of 2023. Watch this video to get insight on how ATX is utilizing state-of-the-art manufacturing to crank out several hundred thousand intelligent HFC [...]


The Future of Standby Power

Recent breakthroughs in energy storage technology are prompting communications service providers to reconsider the use of traditional batteries for standby power operations in their datacenters, outside plants and mobile cell sites. ATX’s Areca™ Hybrid Supercapacitors offer a safer, longer-lasting, and greener alternative to electrochemical-based batteries like lead-acid and lithium-ion. Explore the eight reasons why ATX’s [...]


GigaWave Digital Link Amplifier-HUB

The GigaWave™ Digital Link Amplifier-HUB (DLA-HUB) is a field-hardened, gain-flattened EDFA platform optimized for digital optical transport in long-distance multiwavelength applications. A critical component of any optical transport toolset targeted at closing the Digital Divide, the GigaWave DLA-HUB assists service providers in reducing the cost and complexity of extending broadband services to residents and businesses [...]


People Driven Outcome Obsessed

Optimizing your business to meet market challenges and keep competition at bay means managing technology migrations with laser-like precision and having the needed expertise on hand. Learn more about ATX Professional Services: [...]


Product Overview: Visium™ Set-Back Box

ATX’s Visium™ Set-Back Box (SBB) is a low-cost security adapter designed to enable commercial video service providers to bring hospitality and other commercial customers into compliance with security requirements through the delivery of encrypted bulk video to properties lacking Pro:Idiom™-capable TVs. Learn more about the Visium SBB: [...]


ATX Access Networking – Better Broadband Everywhere

ATX is assisting MSOs in this mission — and with the long-term evolution of their HFC networks — through innovative access technologies that enable them to cost-efficiently evolve their networks while continuing to leverage past investments, providing a near-seamless upgrade path to the symmetrical multigigabit future envisioned by the CableLabs 10G initiative. Watch this video [...]


ATX Media Distribution – Elevating the End-user Experience

Whether at work or at leisure, in our homes or on the road, consumers of digital information and entertainment demand a seamless, intuitive and consistent experience regardless of how, when or where we access content. Watch this video to get insight on how ATX’s market-leading media distribution solutions empower service providers to elevate their commercial [...]


SCTE® LiveLearning for Professionals Webinar™ Series: Cranking Up the Upstream

ATX CTO Jay Lee is a featured speaker in this recent webinar that explores MSOs’ options for allocating upstream spectrum to meet current and future subscriber demand. The webinar, Cranking Up the Upstream, originally aired on June 15, 2023. Produced by Light Reading and co-sponsored by ATX, the event was part of the SCTE LiveLearning for [...]


Take the ATX Backup Power Energy Storage TCO Challenge

Receive a customized report comparing the long-term cost of VRLA batteries vs hybrid supercapacitor modules In addition to being safer, greener and more reliable than Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VLRA) batteries, ATX’s Areca Hybrid Supercapacitor energy storage modules can reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of your backup power operations over the long term. [...]


GigaXtend GMC 1.8GHz HFC Amplifiers, Backward-Compatible. Forward-Focused.

The ATX GigaXtend GMC 1.8GHz family of HFC amplifiers is the newest addition to the company’s portfolio of GainMaker-compatible HFC amplifiers. ATX introduced GigaXtend 1.2GHz line extenders and system amplifiers in 2020 after entering a technology licensing agreement with Cisco. Download Solution Brief [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Results & Analysis: 2023 Edition

A little more than 30 years ago, MSOs installed the first fiber nodes in the cable access plant, marking the launch of the Hybrid Fiber-Coax (HFC) network, which would evolve over the next three decades into what is currently the world’s most robust, resilient and agile infrastructure for the delivery of broadband services. In 2020, [...]


The 2050 Project: Survey Report 2023 Edition

The ATX 2050 Project is now in its third year of uncovering industry insights on the HFC evolution. The 2023 Edition of the 2050 Project Survey Report, like the prior surveys from 2021 and 2022, provides MSOs with a moment-in-time snapshot of the attitudes and opinions of HFC network operators of all sizes as they [...]


The Smart Choice for Sustainable Backup Power

ATX’s revolutionary hybrid supercapacitor backup power technology reduces costs, increases reliability and gives operators a cleaner, safer alternative to valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) and Lithium-Ion batteries. The Hybrid Supercapacitor Energy Storage Solution is long-lasting, spaceefficient and designed to accommodate future infrastructure expansion, not to mention 100% recyclable. By utilizing the hybrid supercapacitor during peak [...]


The Future of Energy Storage and Backup Power Operations

How to Improve Reliability, Reduce Costs & Achieve Sustainability Goals Most broadband service providers still rely on energy storage technology that is unreliable, dangerous to the environment, limited in its application and requires frequent replacement. The good news is that a new form of energy storage technology, which overcomes these shortcomings and holds the potential [...]


How Hybrid Supercapacitor Energy Storage Can Help Broadband Service Providers Improve Reliability, Reduce Costs and Achieve Sustainability Goals

Today’s service providers are highly incentivized to move to a safe and eco-friendly backup-power solution that also balances out the performance and longevity of their investments. Most environmentally conscious decision-makers can agree that moving away from [...]


Local Channel Insertion

Innovative encoding and digital insertion solutions that simplify the addition of local content into commercial TV services ATX Network’s extensive portfolio of encoders and digital insertion systems offers commercial properties a variety of inexpensive and easy-touse channel insertion solutions for all end-user environments. ATX’s local channel insertion solution enables MSOs to assist bulk accounts, such [...]


Visium Manager

ATX’s Visium Manager is an all-purpose element management system that empowers Pay-TV providers with the ability to manage the gateways, encoders and end devices that deliver their commercial services with unprecedented flexibility and efficiency – and from a single management console. Visium Manager brings new flexibility and customization to monitoring your network, facilitates and simplifies [...]


People Driven. Outcome Obsessed: Professional Services Brochure

Technology transformations are complex, and without precision management things can take a costly wrong turn, which is why ATX takes your business personally. We deliver the right people to drive the best outcomes. Led by industry veterans, the ATX Professional Services team is dedicated to helping you meet your business objectives, while taking the risks [...]


Top Things to Consider when Building (or Buying) a Smart Amp

Every product upgrade cycle offers the opportunity to introduce new capabilities and features with primary goals often being to reduce operational costs, complexity and improve the overall performance and efficiency of the network. Industry momentum around increasing the monitoring and control intelligence in next-generation HFC amplifiers, those capable of supporting DOCSIS® specifications, is a textbook [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Report 2022 Edition-Results & Analysis of HFC Evolution Survey

ATX launched the 2050 Project HFC evolution survey in 2021 to provide insight into current cable operator thinking about how costs, competitive factors and other variables are impacting the long-term evolution of outside plants. A major objective of the survey is to deliver cable industry professionals an invaluable view of the network transformation plans of [...]


Reducing the Cost and Complexity of Extending Broadband Services to Rural Communities

The incentives for extending broadband services to rural communities have never been more compelling. In addition to tens of billions of dollars in public financing being made available over the next few years to broadband-enable unserved or underserved communities, cable operators and other service providers now recognize that remotely located homes and businesses represent new [...]


Visium Set-Back Box Security Adapter

ATX’s Visium Set-Back Box (SBB) is a low-cost, Pro:Idiom™-compatible security adapter designed to enable hotels and other hospitality venues to instantly upgrade in-room guest experiences and bring non-commercialclass televisions into compliance with increasingly stringent security requirements. The pocket-size adapter also features an Integrated Program Guide (IPG) designed to improve in-room entertainment experiences by significantly simplifying [...]


Secure and Enhance the In-Room Video Experience in Seconds

Introducing the Pro:Idiom-compatible Visium Set-Back Box After a down year for the ages in 2020, the travel and leisure industry is on track for a Post-COVID rebound. One way for hotels and other hospitality venues to win back business is delivering an upgraded video experience capable of meeting their guests’ newly elevated expectations. This just-released [...]


Secure & Enhance In-Room Video Experience in Seconds

With the leisure and hospitality industry showing signs of rebound, hotels and other hospitality venues are recognizing that an enhanced in-room entertainment experience could be the key to driving new business in a Post-COVID world. The problem: Many hospitality venues can’t afford to go big after a financially devastating 2020. The solution: ATX’s Visium™ Set-Back [...]


The ATX Maintenance Mode Taps & Passives Replacement Model

If DOCSIS® 4.0 Extended Spectrum is in your future — even your distant future — it makes sense to start deploying next-generation taps and passives capable of supporting a frequency of 1.8GHz in your network beginning today. That’s the major finding of a recently conducted cost analysis study comparing two maintenance mode replacement models for [...]


SCTE 2021 Webinar Series: Exploring Taps & Passive Replacement Models for Moving to DOCSIS® 4.0

ATX Networks recently conducted a research study identifying a hardline passive maintenance replacement model that cable operators can begin today to reduce costs and hasten the upgrade of their outside plant to support frequencies of 1.8GHz and potentially higher. In the webinar, ATX revealed for the first time the findings of this extensive cost-analysis comparison, [...]


Reducing Cost and Complexity of Broadband-Enabling Rural Communities

The incentives for extending broadband services to rural communities have never been more compelling. In addition to tens of billions of dollars in public financing being made available over the next few years to broadband-enable unserved or underserved communities, cable operators and other service providers now recognize that remotely located homes and businesses represent new [...]


The 2050 Project Survey Report: Results & Analysis of HFC Evolution Survey

ATX conducted the 2050 Project Survey to provide insight into what cable operators are currently thinking about the long-term evolution of their outside plants, delivering industry professionals an invaluable view of the network transformation plans of their peers. The survey was designed to uncover cable operators’ most recent attitudes toward the adoption of new technologies, [...]


Long-Reach Digital Optical Transport

The ATX GigaWave™ Digital Link Extender (DLX) multi-wavelength digital optical transport platform and the GigaWave Digital Link Amplifier-HUB (DLA-HUB), a field-hardened, gain-flattened EDFA platform optimized for digital environments, form the core of ATX’s Long-Reach Digital Optical Transport Solution. Deployed in tandem or on a standalone basis, the GigaWave DLX and GigaWave DLA-HUB play critical roles [...]


Evolve Your HFC Network: Outside Plant Brochure

ATX’s GigaXtend® family of next-generation outside plant equipment is an end-to-end lineup of active and passive components designed to enable cable operators to extend the longevity of their HFC networks by 25 years or longer. GigaXtend is the industry’s only portfolio of amps and hardline passives with a roadmap to 3GHz or higher. Download Brochure [...]


GigaXtend XS Series 2GHz Taps & Passives

ATX introduced the GigaXtend® XS Series of 2GHz taps and passives, faceplate upgradeable to 3GHz or higher, with the goal of empowering cable operators to futureproof their outside plants for decades to come. Download Solution Brief [...]


Cable-Tec Expo® BTR Technology Panel Presentation: DOCSIS® on the Road to 4.0

Stephen Hardy, Editorial Director of BTR, moderates this panel of industry professionals with the release of the first DOCSIS® 4.0 specifications, operators are in position to begin to plan the next steps in their 10G strategies. The panelists discuss where DOCSIS technology stands now and what needs to happen to make 4.0 capabilities available. The [...]


The 2050 Project: Part II Building the HFC Network of the Future – Starting Today

ATX’s 2050 Project is designed to assist MSOs in navigating the next phase of the evolution of their outside plants in the most cost-effective manner possible, and without deviating from their inevitable migration to an all-fiber infrastructure. Part I of this series provides a detailed exploration of the 2050 Project, as well as an analysis [...]


Visium MD Gateways

ATX’s Visium™ MD Multimedia Gateways are ultra-compact bulk media commercial services solutions that streamline and simplify the delivery of video and other media services to hotels, hospitals, sports arenas, enterprises, multi-dwelling units (MDUs) and other commercial businesses, in a secure, cost-efficient and easily managed manner. The modular platform features any-to-any support of all broadcast services, [...]


A New Era of Outside Plant Evolution

The 2050 Project is a new initiative from ATX offering a strategic vision and technology game plan for the long-term evolution of existing HFC networks. Its primary objective is to enable MSOs to migrate their massive coaxial cable plants to fiber in the most cost-effective manner possible and without surrendering their dominance in broadband service [...]


Handling Legacy QAM Video in a DAA World

Even after migrating to a distributed architecture, most cable operators will still need to support legacy QAM video – at least until they’ve fully upgraded customer-premises equipment to IP. While early DAA adopters tended to focus on an integrated Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP) to handle both DOCSIS® and QAM video traffic, MSOs now have [...]


The 2050 Project: Part I — An Era of Outside Plant Evolution

The Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial (HFC) network is a cable industry success story nearly 30 years in the making. It has provided the foundation for a continuous flow of innovation and bandwidth expansion that has helped make cable operators the world’s preeminent providers of broadband services. But what about the next 30 years? The 2050 Project is [...]


Exploring the Benefits of Low-Loss, High-Bandwidth Taps & Passives

A new generation of taps and hardline passives is now available that enables MSOs to reap immediate CAPEX and OPEX savings, while prepping the last mile of their networks to seamlessly support future spectrum extensions. This webinar, originally airing on July 24, 2019, shines a spotlight on how updating these devices in your network with [...]


Exploring the Benefits of High-Bandwidth, Low-Loss Taps and Passives

Nearly all MSOs are busy adopting or evaluating multiple technologies and architectures designed to provide both the agility and capacity to keep up with customer demand and stave off increased competition. In pursuit of futureproofing their networks, MSOs must be careful not to overlook the disposition of their outside plants. Download this document to discover [...]


Take Your Commercial Video Business to the Next Level

PayTV operators for decades have been faithfully serving commercial markets, including Multi-Dwelling Units (MDUs,) hotels, sports venues and other hospitality businesses, with little to show for it in the way of profit. Getting in the way of real revenue generation has been inefficient and inflexible technology solutions for the bulk delivery of video services. But [...]


Welcome to The Gigabit Generation

The digital evolution is about to shift into high gear. The nexus of mass-market gigabit broadband, big data and AI will bring to the digital realm a combination of speed and intelligence that will reshape entire industries and redefine human interaction – as well as significantly accelerate the demand for even faster digital connectivity. Download [...]